Monday, July 30, 2012

My Classroom!

Guess what?! I get to have my own classroom this year. While this will only be for one year, you can imagine my excitement. This means that my guidance classes will come to my room, and I won't have to travel around from classroom to classroom everyday. My plan is to use this room for my classes and small groups, and I get to keep my small office for individual counseling.

Here is a peek of the room so far...the first thing I did was get rid of all the desks and brought in 3 long tables to use for guidance classes. My hope is that this will create a more homey feel and will encourage better discussion and teamwork.

Next, I set up the back of the room as a small group counseling space. I made a sitting nook with rugs from LOWES and beanbag chairs from Roses. Close to the sitting area, I added a round table where I can have my lunch bunch groups.

Finally, I added lamps all around the room which makes the space feel much cozier. I hate overhead lighting; it's usually the first thing I change in any room I'm in. This is just what I've gotten done so far. I can't wait to share pictures when it's finally completed.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooooo JEALOUS!!!! I had my office and a classroom, but we grew - so I had to give up my room. I hate having to find a room to do guidance lessons! Have fun decorating.
